Dr. Panchatcharam Mariappan

Department of Mathematics & Statistics


1. Gangadhara B and Panchatcharam M, Effect of High Blood Flow on Heat Distribution and Ablation Zone During Microwave Ablation-Numerical Approach, Int J Numer Meth Biomed Engng. 2024;e3835.
2. Snehil S and Panchatcharam M, Hyperbolic Lattice Boltzmann Method for Three-dimensional Non-Fourier Heat Conduction with Phase Change, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 1-17, 2023.
3. Gangadhara B and Panchatcharam M, 3D Modeling of Vector/Edge Finite Element Method for Multi-ablation Technique for Large Tumor-Computational Approach, PLoS ONE, 18(7):e0289262, 2023.
4. Snehil S and Panchatcharam M, Hyperbolic Lattice Boltzmann Method and Discrete Boltzmann Method for Solid–Liquid Phase Change Problem, Mathematics in Computer Science 17(2), 2023.
5. Gangadhara B and Panchatcharam M, A Vector Finite Element Approach to Temperature Dependent Parameters of Microwave Ablation for Liver Cancer, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 39(1), e3661, 2023.
6. Panchatcharam M, Gangadhara B and Ronan F, A Point Source Model to Represent Heat Distribution Without Calculating the Joule Heat during Radiofrequency Ablation, Front. Front. Therm. Eng. 2:982768, 2022.
7. Cindric H, Panchatcharam M, Beyer L, Wiggermann P and Moche M, Miklavcic D and Kos B, Retrospective Study for Validation and Improvement of Numerical Treatment Planning of Irreversible Electroporation Ablation for Treatment of Liver Tumors, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 68(12), pp. 3513-3524, 2021.
8. Martin J. A, Panchatcharam M, Philip V, Ronan F, Sjoerd F. M. J, Mika P, Marina K, Michael M and Jurgen F, Software-based Planning of Ultrasound and CT-guided Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation in Hepatic Tumors, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 16, pp. 1051-1057, 2021.
9. Tim Van O, Jan H, Michael M, Phil W, Panchatcharam M, Ronan Flanagan, Mika P, Stephen P, Marina K, Sjoerd, F. M. J and Jurgen F, Validation of a Web-based Planning Tool for Percutaneous Cryoablation of Renal Tumors, CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology, 43(11), pp. 1661-1670, 2020.
10. Michael M, Harald B, Jurgen J F., Camila A. H, Daniel S, Philipp B, Marina K, Sjoerd J, Roberto B S, Gaber K, Mika P, Martin E, Horst R P, Philip V, Ronan F, Panchatcharam M, Martin R, Clinical Evaluation of in Silico Planning and Real-time Simulation of Hepatic Radiofrequency Ablation (ClinicIMPPACT Trial), European Radiology, 30(2), pp. 934-942 2020.
11. Philip V, Panchatcharam M, Mika P, Ronan F, Roberto B S, Horst R P, Jurgen F, Dieter S, Marina K, Michael M, RFA Guardian: Comprehensive Simulation of Radiofrequency Ablation Treatment of Liver Tumors, Nature Scientific Reports, 8(1), pp.787, 2018.
12. Martin R, Philip B, Daniel S, Marina K, Sjoerd J, Roberto B. S, Martin E, Philip V, Ronan F, Panchatcharam M, Harald B, Michael M, AA Prospective Development Study of Software-Guided Radio-Frequency Ablation of Primary and Secondary Liver Tumors: Clinical Intervention Modeling, Planning and Proof for Ablation Cancer Treatment (ClinicIMPPACT), Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 8, pp. 25-32, 2017.
13. Panchatcharam M, Phil W, Ronan F, Philip V, Toumas A, Mika P, Michael M, Harald B, Jurgen F, Horst R P, Roberto B S, Marina K, GPU-based RFA Simulation for Minimally Invasive Cancer Treatment of Liver Tumours, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 12(1), pp. 59-68, 2017.
14. Panchatcharam M, Sundar S and Klar A, GPU Metrics for Linear Solver, Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations, 21, pp. 361-374, 2013.
15. Panchatcharam M, Sundar S, Vetrivel V, Klar A and Tiwari S, GPU Computing for Meshfree Particle Method, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, Series B 4, pp. 394-412, 2013.

Conference Proceedings:
1. Gangadhara B and Panchatcharam M, Stability Analysis for the Discrete Finite Element Model of the Pennes Bio-heat Equation, AIP Conf. Proc. 7 June 2024; 3094 (1): 500013.
2. Snehil S and Panchatcharam M, Non-Fourier Heat Conduction with Phase Change using Hyperbolic Lattice Boltzmann Method by Modifying the Equilibrium Distribution Function, VIII International Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2023).
3. Panchatcharam M, Ronan F, GPU Accelerated Radiofrequency and Microwave Ablation for Image-guided Interventions on a Web-framework, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 15 (Supplement 1): S54, 2020.
4. Philip V, Panchatcharam M, et al, RFA Guardian: Comprehensive Simulation of the Clinical Workflow for Patient-Specific Planning, Guidance and Validation of RFA Treatment of Liver Tumours, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 11 (Supplement 1): 187, 2016.
5. Martin E, Bianca S, Horst P, Hanne A D, Leber B, Michael M, Jurgen F, Panchatcharam M, et al, Clinical Study for the Simulation Planning and Control of Treatment of Patients with Malignant Liver Tumors (CLINICIMPPACT), Transplant International, 29:12-12, 2016.
6. Phil W, Dominic R, Roland E, Tuomas A, Mika P, Philip V, Panchatcharam M et al, Go-Smart: Web-based Computational Modeling of Minimally Invasive Cancer Treatments, IEE E-Health and Bioengineering Conference 2015.
7. Panos, I, Phil W, Panchatcharam M, et al, GPU Acceleration of Partial Differential Equation Solvers, 4th International conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering, March 2015.