- Ph.D, IIT Kanpur, India
- M.E, IISc Bangalore, India
- B.E, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
Latest Publications
- Anup Basak (2025) Coupled strain-gradient plasticity and incoherent martensitic phase boundary kinetics in isotropic solids: Theory and analytical results. Proceeding of Royal Society A. vol. 481, 20240564.
- Anup Basak (2023) Grain boundary- and triple junction-induced martensitic transformations: A phase-field study of effects of grain boundary width and energy. International Journal of Solids and Structures.
- Anup Basak, Valery Levitas (2023) A multiphase phase-field study of three-dimensional martensitic twinned microstructures at large strains. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics.
- Anup Basak (2021) Grain boundary-induced premelting and solid↔melt phase transformations: Effect of interfacial widths and energies and triple junctions at nanoscale. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (to appear).
- Aviru Kumar Basu, Anup Basak, Shantanu Bhattacharya (2020) Geometry and thickness dependant anomalous mechanical behavior of fabricated SU-8 thin film micro-cantilevers. Journal of Micromanufacturing, vol. 2, pp- 113-120 (
- Tushar Joshi, Rajat Arora, Anup Basak, Anurag Gupta (2020) Equilibrium shape of misfitting precipitates with anisotropic elasticity and anisotropic interfacial energy. Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering.
- Anup Basak, Valery I. Levitas (2020) Matrix-precipitate interface-induced martensitic transformation within nanoscale phase field approach: Effect of energy and dimensionless interface width, Acta Materialia,
Anup Basak and Valery I Levitas, An exact formulation for exponential-logarithmic transformation stretches in a multiphase phase field approach to martensitic transformations, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids . DOI: 10.1177/1081286520905352
Hamed Babaei, Anup Basak, Valery I. Levitas (2019) Algorithmic aspects and finite element solutions for advanced phase field approach to martensitic phase transformation under large strains, Computational Mechanics,
Anup Basak, Valery I. Levitas (2019) Finite element procedure and simulations for a multiphase phase field approach to martensitic phase transformations at large strains and with interfacial stresses. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 343, pp. 368-406.
- Anup Basak, Valery I. Levitas (2018) Phase field study of surface-induced melting and solidification from a nanovoid: Effect of dimensionless width of void surface and void size, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 112(20), pp. 201602.
- Anup Basak, Valery I. Levitas (2018) Nanoscale multiphase phase field approach for stress- and temperature-induced martensitic phase transformations with interfacial stresses at finite strains, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 113, pp. 162-196.
- Anup Basak, Valery I. Levitas (2017) Interfacial stresses within boundary between martensitic variants: Analytical and numerical finite strain solutions for three phase field models, Acta Materialia, vol. 139, pp. 174-187.