Chemistry Lab
The undergraduate chemistry laboratory was established in January 2016. It is well ventilated and has new and modern state-of-the-art equipment. A total of 10 experiments that address societal issues are performed at the chemistry laboratory. These experiments were designed to make practical sessions interesting for the undergraduate engineering students.
The following are some of these experiments:
1. Water quality : Hardness of samples drawn from the neighbourhood
2. Pharmacy : Aspirin (making a medicine)
3. Natural product : Tea leaves (extraction of caffeine from different brands of tea available in the market)
4. Food world : Citrus fruits (acidity of different fruits)
5. Material world : Brass (copper content)
Equipment at the Chemistry Laboratory
1. Laboratory fume hoods
2. Conductivity meter
3. pH meter
4. Magnetic stirrer
5. Preparative weighing balance
6. Analytical weighing balance
7. Digital colorimeter
8. Hot plate
9. Melting point apparatus
10. Hot water bath
11. Ice - akers
12. Vacuum pump
13. Distilled water system
14. Hot air oven
15. Rotary evaporator
16. Chiller for circulation of cold water
Computer Lab
A computer laboratory has been set up, so that the students can perform software-based experiments and programming. The laboratory is equipped with 60 state-of-the-art all-in-one desktop systems, two short view projectors and an audio system. The latest systems and software, including Autodesk packages, were installed in the labs, library and faculty rooms.
Applied Mechanics Lab
Applied mechanics laboratory has been set up for students to perform experiments related to basic principles of solid mechanics and fluid mechanics. Experimental setups related to fluid mechanics includes Osborne Reynolds experiment, fluid property measurement, stability of floating body, momentum conservation through impact of liquid jet on surface, Bernoulli’s principle verification, methods of flow measurements, frictional losses in pipe, free and forced vortex generation and flow visualization around objects are available. Solid mechanics experiments include universal testing machine for tensile tests, hardness testing machine, torsion measurement, stresses in thick and thin cylinders, strain measurement using strain gauges, bending of beams, photo elasticity measurements and impact tester.
Physics Lab
The initial focus was on setting up the laboratories and getting the foundation courses in physics formulated for the first batch of students joining the institute, in August 2015. A set of about 10 experiments was planned. Some of the experiments were adopted from the mentoring institute (IIT Madras), and the necessary equipment was procured. The apparatus was fabricated at IIT Madras in record time, to be used in the first semester at the new institute.
Equipment at the Physics Laboratory
1. Compound pendulum with accessories (five sets)
2. Ultrasonic interferometer (five sets)
3. Experimental setup for obtaining Stefan’s constant (five sets)
4. Newton rings experiment (six sets)
5. Spectrometer with diffraction grating (six sets)
6. Mapping of equipotential lines with electrode configuration (five sets)
7. Digital oscilloscope (six sets)
8. Hall effect apparatus with accessories (five sets)
9. Planck’s constant using LEDs (five sets)
10. Simulation lab using MATLAB (10 sets)
11. Forbe’s method apparatus
12. Linear air track with digital timer (one)
13. Timing car + plane ramp + accessories + inclined plane accessory + curved ramp (one)
14. Four-probe method of measurement of conductivity (four sets)
15. Strain gauge for stress/strain measurements (four sets)
In the first semester, workshop training sessions for all the branches of engineering were held in the workshop facilities in the premises of Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati. The second semester workshop sessions were conducted at IIT Tirupati by procuring and installing the necessary equipment, including pneumatics and hydraulics training kits, a plastic injection moulding machine and FRP fabrication facilities. A basic electrical and electronics lab, and an instrumentation and communications lab, were set up for workshop practice.
Workshop 1 Module (WS1010)
Workshop 2 Module (WS1020)
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- Will be Updated Soon