Dr. G. Ramakrishna
Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest
- Algorithmic engineering
- Graph Algorithms and data-structures
- Parallel Programming
- Route-Planning algorithms
- Ph.D, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
Latest Publications
- Approximate Distance Oracle in O(n 2) Time and O(n) Space for Chordal Graphs: Gaurav Singh, N. S. Narayanaswamy, G. Ramakrishna: WALCOM 2015: Algorithms and Computation- Volume 8973 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 89-100.
- An efficient ear decomposition algorithm. D. Dutta, K. Kothapalli, G. Ramakrishna, S. C. Regunta, and S. H. Tondomker: Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization CTW 2017.
- On minimum average stretch spanning trees in polygonal 2-trees: N.S. Narayanaswamya, G. Ramakrishna: Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 575, 13 April 2015, Pages 56–70.
- Tree t-spanners in outerplanar graphs via supply demand partition: N.S. Narayanaswamya, G. Ramakrishna: Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 195, 20 November 2015, Pages 104–109.
- On Minimum Average Stretch Spanning Trees in Grid Graphs. Pankaj Pundir and G. Ramakrishna: Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (ENDM) 2016, Volume 55, pages 131-134.