Areas of Interest
- Polymorphism:- Gas hydrates and other crystallization processes
- Material design and discovery:-polymers, API, additives, surfactants, self-assembly, water anomaly
- Flow assurance, enhanced oil recovery, hydrocarbons processing, and carbon-capture-conversion and utilization, liquid/gaseous fuel storage and transport
- Free/adsorption energy calculations, adsorption, and interface/surface science
- Thermodynamic theory for the multi-phase-multi component system, density gradient/functional theory, and statistical mechanics
Latest Publications
- Choudhary, N.; Che Ruslan, M. F. A.; Narayanan Nair, A. K.; Qiao, R; Sun, S. Bulk and Interfacial Properties of the Decane + Brine System in the Presence of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Their Mixture. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2021, 60 (30), 11525–11534.
- Choudhary, N.; Che Ruslan, M. F. A.; Narayanan Nair, A. K.; Sun, S. Bulk and Interfacial Properties of Alkanes in the Presence of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Their Mixture. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2021, 60 (1), 729–738.
- Choudhary, N.; Narayanan Nair, A. K.; Che Ruslan, M. F. A.; Sun, S. Bulk and Interfacial Properties of Decane in the Presence of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Their Mixture. Scientific Reports 2019, 9 (1).
- Hande, V.; Choudhary, N.; Chakrabarty, S.; Kumar, R. Morphology and Dynamics of Self-Assembled Structures in Mixed Surfactant Systems(SDS + CAPB) in the Context of Methane Hydrate Growth. Journal of Molecular Liquids 319, 114296.
- Ghosh, J.; Methikkalam, R. R. J.; Bhuin, R. G.; Ragupathy, G.; Choudhary, N.; Kumar, R.; Pradeep, T. Clathrate Hydrates in Interstellar Environment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) U. S. A. 2019, 116 (5),1526–1531.