Latest Publications
- A. Aziz, T.J. Thashreef, B. Balakrishnan, S.M. Maliyekkal, Calcium-reinforced graphene oxide-biopolymer nanocomposite: A novel and sustainable sizing agent for enhancing E-glass fibers strength and adhesion in cement composites, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 192, 2025, 108808.
- M.S.V.N Jyoti, S.Gomosta, A.R. Parvathy. S. Baiju, and S.M. Maliyekkal, Wood pulp-derived mesoporous carbon as a reusable substrate for aqueous uranium recovery: Closing the loop by unlocking the nexus between carbon, adsorbed uranium, and energy storage, Chemical Engineering Journal, 505, 2025, 159575.
- G. Vajitha, K. Jashrapuria, T. P. Gandhi, P. Lipika, S. P. Singh, S. M. Maliyekkal, Scalable and cost-effective ultra-dispersible graphene oxide blended ultrafiltration mixed matrix membrane: Assessment of mechanical, water flux, and anti-biofouling properties, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 194, 2025, 35-46.
- S.M. Allabakshi, P. Srikar, S. Gomosta, R.K. Gangwar, S.M. Maliyekkal, Treatment of textile dyes in a photo-surface dielectric barrier discharge hybrid reactor: Unraveling the degradation mechanisms, Chemosphere, 368, 2024, 143775.
- M. Aadithya, R. Sunil, S. Gomosta, S.M. Maliyekkal, A.V. Rahul, Behavior of functionalized graphene in fresh and hydrated cement matrix: Role of carboxyl and amine functional group, Construction and Building Materials 450, 2024, 138542.
- U. Kannan, G. Pullangott, N. Shraogi, S. Patnaik, S.M. Maliyekkal, Water Disinfection: Unleashing the power of bicarbonate ions in chitosan–silver nanocomposite for greener and more efficient silver utilization, ACS ES&T Water 4(9), 2024, 3842-3850.
- P. Srikar, S.M. Allabakshi, S. Gomosta, S.M. Maliyekkal, R.K. Gangwar, Development of efficient nonthermal atmospheric-pressure Ar-plasma jet through simultaneous spectroscopic characterization and radical quantification, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 57(39), 2024, 395204.
- S. A. A. Balkhi, S. M. Allabakshi, P.S.N.S.R. Srikar, S. Gomosta, R.K. Gangwar, S.M. Maliyekkal, Unwinding the correlation between atmospheric pressure plasma jet operating parameters and variation in antibiotic wastewater characteristics, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 60, 2024, 105186.
- M.S.V.N. Jyothi, G. Vajitha, T.P Gandhi, B.J. Ramaiah, S.M. Maliyekkal, Granulated Fe-Mn bimetal-oxides: A reusable adsorbent for mercury removal and valorisation of spent adsorbent as a retarding agent and compressive strength enhancer in cementitious materials, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 184, 2024, 1293-1305.
- T. P. Gandhi, MSVN Jyothi, G. Suman, P. Amesh, S. Manna, S. M. Maliyekkal, A reusable graphene oxide aerogel for preconcentrating and recovering aqueous uranium and valorisation of spent material in a cementitious material, Journal of Cleaner Production, 435, 2024, 140433.
- S.M. Allabakshi, P. Srikar, S. Gomosta, R.K. Gangwar, S.M. Maliyekkal, Treatment of azo, direct, and reactive dyes in surface dielectric barrier discharge: Valorisation of effluent, the influence of wastewater characteristics, and plasma modeling by stark broadening technique, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 56, 2023, 104503.
- S.M. Allabakshi, P. Srikar, S. Gomosta, R.K. Gangwar, and S.M. Maliyekkal, UV-C photon integrated surface dielectric barrier discharge hybrid reactor: A novel and energy-efficient route for rapid mineralisation of aqueous azo dyes, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 446, 2023, 130639.
- U. Kannan and S.M. Maliyekkal, A resource-efficient and portable nanotechnology-enabled disinfection system: Performance studies and a novel strategy to recycle spent material, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 171, 2023, 532-540.
- S.M. Allabakshi, P.S.N.S.R. Srikar, R.K. Gangwar, S.M. Maliyekkal, Feasibility of surface dielectric barrier discharge in wastewater treatment: Spectroscopic modeling, diagnostic, and dye mineralization, Separation and Purification Technology, 296, 2022,121344.
- T.P. Gandhi, P. V. Sampath, S. M. Maliyekkal, A critical review of uranium contamination in groundwater: Treatment and sludge disposal, Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 15394.
- M.S.V.N. Jyothi, A Harafan, S.S. Gupta, N. Neethu, G. Singhal, B.J. Ramaiah, S.M. Maliyekkal, Chitosan immobilised granular FeOOH-MnxOy bimetal-oxides nanocomposite for the adsorptive removal of lead from water, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10(2), 2022, 107353.
- U. Kannan, S.A. Gafoor, S.M. Maliyekkal, A waste-derived nanocomposite sealant for repairing micro-cracks in concrete, Journal of Building Engineering, 48, 2022,103965.
- G. Pullangott, U., Kannan, S. Gayathri, D.V. Kiran, S.M. Maliyekkal, A comprehensive review on antimicrobial face masks: an emerging weapon in fighting pandemics, RSC Advances 11 (12), 6544-6576, 2021.
Patents and Patent applications
- S.M. Maliyekkal, B. Bijli, A. Aziz, U. Kannan, Surface modified alkali-resistant glass fibres, Provisional patent application No.: 20224102904 (Filed on 20-05-2022).
- Integrated design for automated Capacitive Deionization (CDI) System, Granted on. 24-11-202, Design No.: 349450-001.
- P.C. Sabumon, S.M. Maliyekkal, S. Desireddy, Metal oxyhydroxide mediated anoxic ammonia removal from aqueous solutions, Patent No.: 360373 (Application No.: 201741004347; Granted on 05-03-2021).
- P.C. Sabumon, S.M. Maliyekkal, S. Desireddy, Metal oxyhydroxide mediated anoxic ammonia removal from aqueous solutions, Patent No.: 360373 (Application No.: 201741004347; Granted on 05-03-2021).
- S.M. Maliyekkal, M. Nithyadharan, Method of preparing an environmentally-friendly bio-inspired sealant composite and uses thereof, Application No.: 201941031281. (Filed on 02-02-2021)
- S.M. Maliyekkal, U. Kannan, P.C. Sabumon, and G. Singhal, A system for sustained and controlled release of silver ions and uses thereof, Patent No: IN345400 (Application No.: 201841015728, Granted on 28-08-2020).
- T. Pradeep, S.M. Maliyekkal, Anshup, M.U Sankar, A. Chaudhary, Organic-templated-boehmite-nanoarchitecture: An adsorbent composition to remove arsenic and fluoride from drinking water, Patent No.: IN346000 (Application No.: 1529/CHE/2010, Granted on 03-09-2020).
- T. Pradeep, S.M. Maliyekkal, Removal of fluoride, alkalinity, heavy metals and suspended solids simultaneously - adsorbent synthesis, adsorbent composition and a device for affordable drinking water, Patent No. IN313917 (Granted on 10-06-2019).
Books and Book Chapters
- Syed Arwa A. Balkhi, Bhesh Kumar Karki, Ligy Philip, and S.M. Maliyekkal. Water quality status and challenges in India and Nepal, Technological Solutions for Water Sustainability: Challenges and Prospects, IWA, 2023, 13-22.
- M.S.V. Naga Jyothi, P. Amesh, B. Janaki Ramaiah, and S.M. Maliyekkal. Bio-polymer reinforced nanocomposites for water and wastewater treatment: applications and future prospects, Technological Solutions for Water Sustainability: Challenges and Prospects, IWA, 2023, 97-105.
- G. Vajitha, K.P. Madan, T. Chetna, N.G. Sahoo, and S.M. Maliyekkal. Carbon-based filters for water and wastewater treatment, Technological Solutions for Water Sustainability: Challenges and Prospects, IWA, 2023, 155-164.
- Harafan, R.K. Gangwar, S.M. Maliyekkal, “Abatement of pesticides in drinking water by nanoscale carbon materials,” Separation Science and Technology, 15, 2022,139-161.
- M. Monachan, N. Dixit, S.M. Maliyekkal, S.P. Singh, “Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Nanofiltration (NF) membranes for emerging contaminants (ECs) removal,” New Trends in Emerging Environmental Contaminants, Springer, 2022, 407-425.
- New Trends in Emerging Environmental Contaminants, 2022. Editors: S P Singh, T Gupta, AK Agarwal, SM Maliyekkal. Print ISBN: 978-981-16-8366-4; Electronic ISBN: 978-981-16-8367-
- S. M. Allabakshi, P.S.N.S.R. Srikar; R. Gangwar, S.M. Maliyekkal “Application of plasma-assisted advanced oxidation processes for removal of emerging contaminants in water”, New Trends in Emerging Environmental Contaminants, Springer, 333-370, 2022. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-8367-1_15.
- A. Harafan, S.A. Gafoor, T. D. Kusuma, S. M Maliyekkal, “Graphene modified photocatalysts for the abatement of emerging contaminants in water”, New Trends in Emerging Environmental Contaminants, Springer, 371-406, 2022, Springer. DOI: httpp:// 10.1007/978-981-16-8367-1_16.
- T.D. Kusuma, M.S.V.N. Jyothi, C.P. Rao, S.M. Maliyekkal, “Advanced Oxidation Processes: A Promising Route for Abatement of Emerging Contaminants in Water”, In: Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Environmental Remediation, Springer, 275-305, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-3256-3_12.
- M. S. V. N. Jyothi, S., Gayathri. S, T. P. Gandhi, S.M. Maliyekkal, “Dissolved arsenic in groundwater bodies: A short review of remediation technologies, “Pollution Control Technologies: Current Status and Future Prospects, Springer, 75-111, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-0858-2_5.