Latest Publications
- Sharma, M., Jain, S., 2024. Emission inventory, Air quality, Dispersion modelling, Scenario-based analysis, Carrying capacity of atmosphere. Sustainable Cities and Society, 112, 105650 (IF – 11.7).
- Sharma, T., Jain, S., 2023. Nexus between built environment, travel behaviour and human health: An integrated framework to reinform urban system. Journal of Cleaner Production, JCLEPRO-D-22-22515 (IF – 11.1).
- Jain, S., Sharma, T., Gupta, AK., 2022. End-of-life management of solar PV waste in India: Situation analysis and policy framework. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 153:111774.
- Barthwal, V., Jain, S., Babuta, A., Jamir, C., Sharma, AK., Mohan, A., 2022. Health impact assessment of Delhi’s outdoor workers exposed to air pollution and extreme weather events: An integrated epidemiology approach. Journal of Environmental Science and Pollution Research DOI:10.1007/s11356-022-18886-9.
- Jain, S., Barthwal, V., 2022. Health impact assessment of auto rickshaw and cab drivers due to exposure to vehicular pollution in Delhi: An integrated approach. Journal of Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29:5124–5133.
- Arora, P., Sharma, D., Kumar, P., Jain, S., 2020. Assessment of clean cooking technologies under different fuel use conditions in rural areas of Northern India. Chemosphere, 257:127315.
- Jain, S., Sharma, T., 2020. Social and Travel Lockdown Impact Considering Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) on Air Quality in Megacities of India: Present Benefits, Future Challenges and Way Forward. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 20:1222–1236.
- Alves, F., Leal- Filho, W., Casaleiro, P., …Jain, S., et al., 2020. Climate change policies and agendas: Facing implementation challenges and guiding responses. Environmental Science & Policy, 104:190-198.
- Sharma, D., Jain, S., 2020. Reduction in black carbon concentration and its exposure in rural settings of Northern India: An intervention analysis. Chemosphere, 247, 125838.
- Sharma, D., Jain, S., 2020. Carcinogenic risk from exposure to PM2.5 bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in rural settings. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 190, 110135.
Sharma, D., Jain, S., 2019. Impact of intervention of biomass cookstove technologies and kitchen characteristics on indoor air quality and human exposure in rural settings of India. Environmental International, 123:240-255.
Rajesh, S., Jain, S., Sharma, P., 2018. Inherent vulnerability assessment of rural households based on socio-economic indicators using categorical principal component analysis: A case study of Kimsar region, Uttarakhand. Journal of Ecological Indicators, 85:93-104.
- Khatri, P., Jain, S., Pandey, S., 2017. A cradle-to-gate assessment of environmental impacts for production of mustard oil using life cycle assessment approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 166:988-997.
- Jain, S., Agarwal, A., Jani, V., Singhal, S., Sharma, P., Jalan, R., 2017. Assessment Carbon Neutrality and Sustainability in Educational Campuses (CaNSEC): A general framework. Journal of Ecological Indicators 76:131–143.
- Jain, S., Aggarwal, P., Sharma, P., Kumar, P., 2016. Vehicular exhaust emissions under current and alternative future policy measures for megacity Delhi, India. Journal of Transport & Health 3(3):404-412.