Latest Publications
- Swapnil Bhuktare, Hanuman Singh, Arnab Bose, & Ashwin A. Tulapurkar “Direct observation of the reciprocity between spin current and phonon interconversion”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 052402 (2019) (selected as ‘Featured’ article)
- A. Bose, S. Bhuktare, H. Singh, S. Dutta, V. G. Achanta and A. A. Tulapurkar, “Direct detection of spin Nernst effect in platinum”, Applied Physics Letters, 112, 162401 (2018); (Featured on the cover page of vol 112, issue 16)
Swapnil Bhuktare, Hanuman Singh, Arnab Bose & Ashwin A. Tulapurkar “Spintronic Oscillator Based on Spin-Current Feedback Using the Spin Hall Effect” Phys. Rev. Applied 7, 014022 (2017)
- Swapnil Bhuktare, Arnab Bose, Hanuman Singh & Ashwin A. Tulapurkar “Gyrator Based on Magneto-elastic Coupling at a Ferromagnetic/Piezoelectric Interface” Sci. Rep. 7, 840 (2017)
Hanuman Singh, K. Konishi, Swapnil Bhuktare, Arnab Bose, S. Miwa, A. Fukushima, K. Yakushiji, S. Yuasa, H. Kubota, Y. Suzuki, Ashwin. A. Tulapurkar “Integer and fractional injection locking of spintronic feedback nano-oscillator to microwave signal” Phys. Rev. Applied 8, 064011 (2017)