Latest Publications
- Liyakhath Ahmed Shaik, Sunil Kumar Thamida, Studies on galvanic corrosion of tri-metallic joint of steels in sodium chloride solution, Materials Today: Proceedings, 15, 57-62 (2019).
- Ramakant Gadhewal, Sunil Kumar Thamida, Venu Vinod Ananthula, Optimum supply and utilization of pure oxygen along with nitrogen on the cathode side for thermal stability of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation,(2019) DOI:
- Yashwanth Bandla, Sunil Kumar Thamida, Flow-Accelerated Corrosion Characterization of Magnesium in NaCl Solution and a Case Study by Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, (2019) DOI:
- Ameer Khan Patan, Malliah Mekala, Sunil Kumar Thamida, Dynamic simulation of heterogeneous catalysis at particle scale to estimate the kinetic parameters for the pore diffusion model, Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 13, 420-428 (2018).
- Shaik Liyakhath Ahmed, Sunil Kumar Thamida, Simulation of corrosion of a dual phase alloy steel based on its constituent phase polarization properties, Materialia, 2, 183-189 (2018) DOI: