2024 - News
Congratulations to Prof. Mamilla Ravi Sankar
April, 2024
Prof. Mamilla Ravi Sankar, Professor (Mechanical Engineering) nominated as "Associate Editor, Journal of Manufacturing Processes (Elsevier)". This is one of the top Manufacturing journals and he is the second Indian on the editorial board.
Congratulations to Prof. Krishna Prapoorna
March, 2024
Prof. Krishna Prapoorna, Professor (Civil & Environmental Engineering) Based on his team’s research contributions in the areas of roadway noise and modeling, has been appointed an "International Member of the USNAE Transportation Research Board Standing Committee" on Transportation-Related Noise and Vibration: 2024-27.
Congratulations to Prof. Krishna Prapoorna
March, 2024
Prof. Krishna Prapoorna, Professor (Civil & Environmental Engineering) Elected as "Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (India)", March 2024.
Congratulations to Prof. Krishna Prapoorna
March, 2024
Prof. Krishna Prapoorna, Professor (Civil & Environmental Engineering) Appointed as "iSMARTi Vice President of South Asia". ISMARTi: International Society for Maintenance And Rehabilitation of Transport infrastructures
Congratulations to Dr. Ajay Kumar
February, 2024
Dr. Ajay Kumar, Assistant Professor (Mechanical Engineering Department) received the “Chandran Menon Memorial Award" for Applied Research & Innovative Technology for 2022-23. The award was given in the 72nd INDIAN FOUNDRY CONGRESS (IFC) on 2nd February 2024, at BIEC, Bengaluru, Karnataka.
Congratulations to Mr. Vikas Kumar Sahu
January, 2024
Mr. Vikas Kumar Sahu, Ph.D. Scholar (Physics Department) received “Best Poster Presentation Award” from International Conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2024 organized by IIT Madras from 7 - 13 January 2024.
2023 - News
Congratulations to Dr. Govind Narayan Sahu
December, 2023
Dr. Govind Narayan Sahu, received the “Best Paper Award" at the 9th International and 30th National, All India Manufacturing Technology, Design, and Research Conference (AIMTDR), 2023, held at IIT BHU on 8-10 Dec.
Congratulations to Mr. Mohammad Irfan
December, 2023
Mr. Mohammad Irfan, received “Best Oral presentation Award” from International Conference on Separation and Purification Technologies (ICSPT-2023) held on Dec 7th – 8th , 2023, at IIT Patna.
Congratulations to Mr. Yumnum Nandan
July, 2023
Mr. Yumnum Nandan, CH Research scholar (Supervisor: Prof. KSMS Raghavarao & Dr. Nilesh Choudhary) received the prestigious "Prime Minister's Fellowship for Doctoral Research".
5G Awards
October, 2023
Award of 5G lab to IIT TIRUPATI
Congratulations to Mr. Yumnum Nandan
July, 2023
Mr. Yumnum Nandan, CH Research scholar (Supervisor: Prof. KSMS Raghavarao & Dr. Nilesh Choudhary) received the prestigious "Prime Minister's Fellowship for Doctoral Research".
Congratulations to Ms. N Sai Prasanna
July, 2023
Ms. N Sai Prasanna, CH Research scholar (Supervisor: Prof. KSMS Raghavarao & Dr. Nilesh Choudhary) received the prestigious "Prime Minister's Fellowship for Doctoral Research".
Congratulations to Mr. Allabakshi S. M, Civil Engineering Research scholar received “Best Poster Award”.
21st - 22nd July, 2023
Mr. Allabakshi S. M (CEE, Ph.D. scholar) received “Best Poster Award” from Center of Excellence at Conference On Desalination, Brine Management And Water Recycling held on July 21st – 22nd, 2023, at IIT Bombay.
Congratulations to Prof KSMS Raghava Rao has been awarded the prestigious "Life Time Achievement Award" by International Association of Engineering and Food.
19th - 23rd June, 2023
Prof KSMS Raghava Rao has been awarded the prestigious "Life Time Achievement Award" by International Association of Engineering and Food. He will receive the award at ICEF14 to be held at Nantes, France in June 2023.
Congratulations to Mr. Allabakshi S. M, Civil Engineering Research scholar received the first prize in "Best oral presentation award category".
6th - 7th March, 2023
Mr. Allabakshi S. M (CEE, Ph.D. scholar) received the first prize in "Best oral presentation award category" from the 1st Institute Level Research Scholars Symposium organized by IIT Tirupati, India held on May 9th, 2023, at IIT Tirupati.
Congratulations to Mr. V. Sunil (MS Scholar under guidance of Dr. Uday Kumar Sukumar & Dr. K. Anki Reddy, Department of Chemical Engineering) got selected for "Khorana Program of Internships - 2023".
17th March, 2023
Mr. V. Sunil (MS Scholar under guidance of Dr. Uday Kumar Sukumar & Dr. K. Anki Reddy, Department of Chemical Engineering) got selected for Khorana Program of Internships - 2023 to be pursued at Purdue University, USA
Congratulations to Mr. Vikrant Yadav and Mr. Sonu Jana - Department of Physics, Research scholars have been awarded the prestigious "MITACS GLOBALINK RESEARCH" Award.
24th March, 2023
Mr. Vikrant Yadav and Mr. Sonu Jana (Department of Physics, Ph.D. scholars) have been awarded the prestigious "MITACS GLOBALINK RESEARCH" for a 3 month internship program at Professor Amar Vutha’s research group at the University of Toronto, Canada. Incidentally Sonu Jana is funded by the IITT TIH Chanakya Doctoral Fellowship. Both of them are involved in portable atomic clock development at IIT TIRUPATI.
Congratulations to Mr. Allabakshi S. M, Civil Engineering Research scholar received the first prize in "Best Paper Award Category".
6th - 7th March, 2023
Mr. Allabakshi S. M (CEE, Ph.D. scholar) received the first prize in "Best Paper Award Category" from the Indo-Canadian Symposium on Water Management: Sustainability & Impact of Climate Change organized by Dalhousie University, Canada and IIT Tirupati, India held on March 6th – 7th, 2023, at IIT Tirupati.
Congratulations to Ms. Vajitha. G, Civil Engineering Research scholar received the "Best poster presentation award".
12th - 14th February, 2023
Ms. Vajitha. G (CEE, Ph.D. scholar) received the "Best poster presentation award" at the 35th Kerala Science Congress held at Mar Baselios Christian College of Engineering and Technology on 12th – 14th, February 2023, Kerala.
2022 - News
Congratulations to Ms. Chinthalapudi Naga Lakshmi
December, 2022
Ms. Chinthalapudi Naga Lakshmi, received “Best Oral presentation Award” from Indian Chemical Engineering Congress (CHEMCON-2022), International Conference on sustainability in chemical processes through digitalization, Artificial intelligence and green chemistry held on Dec 27th – 30th, 2022, at HBTU, Kanpur.
Congratulations to Dr. Koteswara Rao Bommisetti
3 November, 2022
Dr. Koteswara Rao Bommisetti (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics) got a mentorship grant for the "National Post-Doctoral Fellowship" scheme from SERB.
Congratulations to Dr. Mamilla Ravi Sankar
2 November, 2022
Dr. Mamilla Ravi Sankar (Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering) got a mentorship grant for the "National Post-Doctoral Fellowship" scheme from SERB.
Congratulations to Dr. B. Janaki Ramaiah
2 September, 2022
Dr. B. Janaki Ramaiah co-opted as a member to the panel of Revision of Indian Standard (IS) 4968- “Method for subsurface sounding for soils” and Indian Standard (IS) 10589- “Equipment for subsurface sounding of soils” under BIS Section “Soil and Foundation Engineering CED 43:P14002E”.
Congratulations to Mr. Selvakumar
July, 2022
Mr. Selvakumar, CH Research scholar (Supervisor: Prof. KSMS Raghavarao & Dr. Trivikram Nallamilli) received the prestigious "Prime Minister Fellowship", from Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Government of India.
Congratulations to Dr. Panchatcharam Mariappan
18 August, 2022
Dr. Panchatcharam Mariappan is honoured as DAAD Research Ambassador. The tenure ship of this honorary position is three years (2022 to 2025).
Congratulations to Mr. Syed Yunus Ali
16 August, 2022
Mr. Syed Yunus Ali, Senior Research Scholar of the Department of Chemistry (Supervisor: Dr. Debasish Mondal) has received S. S. Bhatnagar Young Scientist Award for the Oral Presentation in the Celebration of the 161st Birth Anniversary of Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray organized by the Indian Chemical Society in association with the Bangladesh Chemical Society, Bangladesh and Department of Chemistry, Jadavpur University, Kolkata during July 30-31 & August 02-03, 2022.
MoU with the Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
9 August, 2022
IIT Tirupati (IITT) has entered into a MoU with the Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) for academic and research collaboration.
Quantum Sciences and Technologies
11 April, 2022
Joint PhD Programme on Quantum Sciences and Technologies offered by CQuERE and IIT Tirupati
Newsletter January 2022
January, 2022
Volume 5, Issue 2 July 2022
2021 - News
2020 - News
2019 - News
2018 - News
2017 - News
News on SurviveCovid-19 Game
The news on SurviveCovid-19 Game from the Research in Intelligent Software & Human Analytics (RISHA) Lab, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Tirupati has been published in The Hindu, NDTV and Indian Express articles.
News on AiR - Pollution Visualizer
AiR - Pollution Visualizer, an Android application developed by IIT Tirupati is featured in The Indian Express, Times of India, Deccan Chronicle and ETV. The app uses Augmented Reality to visualize air pollutants and is available on Google Play Store.
The app is an initiative of Research in Intelligent Software & Human Analytics (RISHA) Lab, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Tirupati and is developed by Noble Saji Mathews, mentored by Dr. Sridhar Chimalakonda in collaboration with Prof. Suresh Jain, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
News on mobility analysis to track COVID19
Mobility analysis to track COVID19 developed by IIT Tirupati is featured in Indian express (National), Twitter.
The initiative is by Dr. Kalidas Yeturu, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Tirupati.
Technology Innovation Hub @ IIT Tirupati
IIT Tirupati has been selected as the Host Institute to set up a Technology Incubation Hub in the technology vertical "Positioning and Precision Technologies" under the National Mission on Inter-disciplinary Cyber Physical Systems with a funding of about Rs. 100 crores led by Dr. Roshan Srivastava, Dr. Arijit Sharma, Dr. Ramakrishna Gorthi, Dr. Panchatcharam Mariappan, Dr. Ravi Iyer, Dr. Hiran Vedam and many others.
Press release about TIH :IIT Tirupati and IISER Tirupati Inks MoU
The Govt of India, as a part of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Plan 2014 set up
two prestigious institutions in Tirupati – the Indian Institute of Science Education and
Research Tirupati and Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati. The Govt of Andhra
Pradesh has generously provided land at Yerpedu for both the Institutions within three
kilometers of each other. In fact, Tirupati is the only city in India to be blessed with both
an IIT and an IISER, thereby confirming the temple city also as sought after education
hub. When two eminent institutions are located closely, it only natural that they join
hands to strengthen each other and pool and share their resources so that their
combined academic and research strength is much more than they would be
It was the vision of both the founder directors of the institutions– Prof K N
Satyanarayana, Director, IIT Tirupati & Prof K N Ganesh, Director, IISER Tirupati to
bring about this synergy that has today culminated in signing the historic Memorandum
of Understanding between these two institutions at IISER, Tirupati Transit Campus.
The Memorandum of Understanding would facilitate faculty and student exchange,
transfer of credits, sharing of laboratories and precision scientific research facilities
and other infrastructure like common medical facilities, a Kendriya Vidyalaya, sports
facilities etc. The faculty can take up multi- disciplinary joint research programmes and
the beginning has already been made by both the Institutions collaborating in the
development of protective masks against the pandemic.
In the present times of resource crunch, such sharing of facilities and creation of
common research facilities would certainly enable optimal utilization of scarce
resources besides strengthening the bonding between the faculty, students and staff
of the Institute.
Speaking on the occasion Prof Ganesh recalled that the collaboration between the two
institutes actually commenced with the joint inauguration function on 28th March 2015.
Thereafter, many joint activities have been happening like the collaborative workshop,
CAMOST and joint courses taught by faculty of both the institutions. Recently the two
Institutes collaborated on in developing reusable PPE equipment in dealing with the
COVID Pandemic against the corona virus. The two Institutes will set up common links
on their websites to provide details of facilities and expertise available in each of the
institutes. He also mentioned that the two Institutes are setting up joint Centers for
Excellence in the areas of Atomic physics, Energy and Plant /food science.
Prof Satyanarayana emphasized on the multiplier effect of the collaboration and
suggested that the academic calendars could be aligned and more elective courses
could be floated to make it easy for students to take courses in each other’s institutes.
He said that representation of each Institution in Senate and Board of Governors of
other Institute is an important move to bring synergy in policy initiatives and to
strengthen mutual collaborative efforts. He further listed various areas of academic,
research and administrative collaborations among IIT to IISER including setting up an
Innovation Hub for which IIT Tirupati has been funded and pledged support to IISER
from the Career Development Cell for placement and career progression of students.
The Registrars Dr C P Mohan Kumar & Mr AVV Prasad, Chairpersons of Departments,
Deans, Associate Deans and HoDs from both the Institutes were also present and
discussed on deepening the areas of joint research and academic collaborations.
IIT Tirupati and Amara Raja Group Inks MoU
The Indian Institute of Technology, Tirupati enters into a partnership with Amara Raja
Group, to jointly develop reusable N95 equivalent face masks to facilitate the growing
need for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) with the advent of the pandemic
COVID-19. The academic institution signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU)
with Amara Raja Group.
The IITT team designed and developed the reusable N95 equivalent face mask
prototype. The prototype consists of a flexible reusable body developed using 3D
printing technology, and the replaceable N95 filter developed using electrospinning
technology. After every usage, the N95 filter is replaced in the reusable body with the
new filter. Amara Raja team will carry out large scale manufacturing of the reusable
N95 equivalent face masks using the technology transfer provided by IITT. As a part
of MoU, Amara Raja provides financial support to IITT for technology development
and the equipment required in the face mask development process.
Prof. K.N. Satyanarayana, Director IIT Tirupati (IITT) and Mr. S. Vijayanand, Chief
Executive Officer of Amara Raja Batteries Limited (ARBL), signed the MoU in the
august presence of Dr Ramachandra N Galla. Founder Chairman, Amara Raja Group
and Mr. G. Vijaya Naidu, President, Group CI, Quality and HSE, Amara Raja Group.
The other members who participated in the event include Dr. D.V. Kiran from IITT, and
Mr. M. Jagadish and Mr. D. Narayana Reddy from Amara Raja Group.
IITT team also developed a sterilization unit prototype using hybrid technology to
provide efficient and large scale sterilization of PPEs. The unit coherently fuses the
UV-C photon-based technology with an advanced oxidation process to achieve rapid
sterilization against a wide range of bacteria and viruses. An industrial-scale
sterilization unit is manufactured at Amara Raja Group to provide N95 equivalent face
masks sterilization before packaging.
It is agreed to distribute the manufactured reusable N95 equivalent face masks to the
frontline healthcare workers fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, including but not limited
to doctors, hospital staff, police personnel, security personnel, and personnel of any
other organizations, including government departments.
COVID-19 Awareness Games by Students
3D Web game (Android Version):
Developed by Noble Mathews, Department of Chemical Engineering, B.Tech, 1st Year, Mentor: Dr. Sridhar Chimalakonda, Research in Intelligent Software & Human Analytics (RISHA) Lab, Dept. of CSE.
Mario-style 2D web game (Android Version)
Developed by Dheeraj Vagavolu, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, B.Tech, 3rd Year, Mentor: Dr. Sridhar Chimalakonda, Research in Intelligent Software & Human Analytics (RISHA) Lab, Dept. of CSE.
News on "Mood of India Portal"
The news on "Mood of India Portal" from the Research in Intelligent Software & Human Analytics (RISHA) Lab, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Tirupati has been published in The Hindu article.
Fake news detection - COVID 19
Misinformation detection for the fight against fake/misinformation on COVID-19. - An initiative by our student Noble Mathews and mentor Dr. Sridhar Chimalakonda, Research in Intelligent Software & Human Analytics (RISHA) Lab, Dept. of CSE.
ESEC/FSE 2019 ACM Student Research Competition
2 undergraduate research submissions under the guidance of Dr. Sridhar Chimalakonda have been accepted to the 27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, CORE ranked A* conference, Tallinn, Estonia.
IIT Tirupati Director Prof. Satyanarayana and NVIDIA Labs, Bangalore Managing Director, Shri Vishal Dhupar have signed an MoU on
17th July 2019 to enhance the collaborations between two organization in AI, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Accelerator development research and to jointly develop the state of the art computing facilities at IIT Tirupati.
MoU with Toshiba R&D India
IIT Tirupati (IITT) signed an MoU with Toshiba R&D India, on 8th July 2019 chiefly to promote interaction between the two institutes in the mutually beneficial areas of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics to enhance research and development interests between the two organizations. The principal areas of collaboration will include development of novel mathematical models and machine learning algorithms for studies on static and time series data arising in a multi sensor environment and other areas of mutual interest at IITT or at Toshiba R&D India. The MoU aims to promote academic and educational collaboration, and exchange of students, academic and research staff between the two institutions.
HUDCO Design Awards 2018
IIT Tirupati Transit Campus project is the First Prize winner of HUDCO Design Awards 2018 under the category Green Buildings.
HUDCO Design Awards 2018MoU with CMTI
Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati and Central Manufacturing Technology Institute (CMTI) Bangalore, signed an MoU on 22nd January 2019 to work together in mutual areas of interest. The major focus of this collaboration is in the area of Additive manufacturing, Nano finishing, MEMS device development, Ultra precision machining, and AI techniques for Vision based systems.
Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati and CSIR-Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (CEERI), Pilani signed an MoU on 12th Nov 2018 to establish a program of exchange and collaboration on areas of mutual interest.
The major thrust areas of research are Cyber-Physical systems, Smart Sensors, Microwave Devices with focus on Flexible and non-Si Electronics, Optoelectronics, Smart Infrastructure, Energy, Internet of Things (IoT). The modes of cooperation will include:
Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati and the CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai signed a MoU to establish a program of exchange and collaboration on matters of mutual research interest.
The major thrust area of research is Health Monitoring, Assessment and Extension of Life of Civil and Mechanical Engineering Structural Systems. The modes of cooperation will include:

Indian Youth Delegation to China
The following students from IIT Tirupati have been selected by the Government of India as part of a 200 member Indian Youth Delegation to China from 9th June to 16th June, 2017:
1. Ipshita Panda (2nd Year, Electrical Engineering)
2. Sonali Srivastava (2nd Year, Civil Engineering)
3. Vimal (2nd Year, Computer Science Engineering)
Smart India Hackathon 2019
Teams NightHawks (V Dheeraj, Rohan Alexander Jacob, P Deeksha, Karthik Chandra, Nikhil Doye, Abhijit Pal), OnebyZero (Vaishali Khanve, Shubham Sangle, Ayush Garg, Rohith Sudheer, Vishal Misra, Rahul Gupta), InnovationHunters (Aliasgar Musani, Shashwat Pathak, Shraddha Sahoo, Aparna Vadlamani, Manish Kumar Srivastava, Tejasva Motsara) stood in the 2nd place in their respective problem statements.
Dr. Gowri’s Editorial Board Membership
Dr. A. Gowri, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering has been invited to serve as a Member of the Editorial Board of the "Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research" , a Taylor and Francis Journal.
Student Achievement - Kerala Flood Conference
Kerala Flood Conference 2020 was focusing on major issues related to water management under extreme climate variations. The Water Resources Department of Kerala puts forth the conference on Flood management in Kerala Scenario as a platform for practitioners, policy makers, engineers, natural and social scientists, disaster managers and researchers to come together to exchange ideas and experiences. The conference was committed to provide an interactive platform for brainstorming and sharing new concepts or methods for improving flood risk management practice in order to better cope with uncertainties.
Student Poster Competition